About England Made Easy

Your squires, guides and drivers are Robert Benedict, Lynnette Turner Parry and local specialists in their individual fields.  Rob is UK born, now a US resident and ENGLAND MADE EASY owner. Lynnette is Guest Guide for England Made Easy having spent many years touring and working as an actress in London.  ENGLAND MADE EASY is a new tour and travel company grown from a 40-year study-travel based program originated by Prof.  Linford and, within the last twelve years, assisted by local guide and entrepreneur Benedict.  Rob has lived in Northampton, England all his life, and Lynnette in Salt Lake City, Utah.  After performing plays in central England, and touring the country with a potpourri of fine arts theatre groups in tow---Rob is licensed and takes sea divers abroad---they join their diverse and complementary talents to bring to the touring experience a unique mix of historical, cultural, social and entertainment travel opportunities unlike any other.

Your tour travels by hired coach, limited to a select 14 passengers.